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अर्थ व सांख्यिकी संचालनालय
नियोजन विभाग, महाराष्ट्र शासन, भारत
अधिनियम आणि नियम
जिल्हा सामाजिक व आर्थिक समालोचन
निरनिराळ्या जीवनावश्यक वस्तूंच्या ग्राहक किंमतींचे निर्देशांक व समालोचन
महाराष्ट्राची आर्थिक पाहणी
महाराष्ट्राची संक्षिप्त सांख्यिकी
महाराष्ट्राची पायाभूत सुविधा सांख्यिकी
महाराष्ट्राची आर्थिक आकडेवारी
कार्यक्रम अंदाजपत्रक २०२४-२५ (भाग-2)
महाराष्ट्रातील जिल्ह्यांचे व भारतातील राज्यांचे निवडक निर्देशक
महाराष्ट्र राज्य सांख्यिकीय गोषवारा
तालुका निवडक निर्देशक
महाराष्ट्रातील स्त्रिया व पुरुष
वार्षिक उद्योग पाहणी
दलित वस्ती सर्वेक्षण
आर्थिक गणना
कर्मचाऱ्यांचा सर्वंकष माहितीकोष
मूल्यमापन पाहणी
कारखाने सांख्यिकी
राष्ट्रीय नमुना पाहणी
राष्ट्रीय नमुना एतदर्थ पाहणी अहवाल
राज्य उत्पन्न अंदाज व अनुषंगिक पाहणी व अभ्यास
गाववार सुविधा
सांख्यिकी संग्रहण अधिनियम, २००८
वार्षिक उद्योग पाहणी
वार्षिक उद्योग पाहणी २०१६-१७
वार्षिक उद्योग पाहणी २०१७-१८
वार्षिक उद्योग पाहणी २०१८-१९
वार्षिक उद्योग पाहणी २०१९-२०
वार्षिक उद्योग पाहणी २०२०-२१
वार्षिक उद्योग पाहणी २०२१-२२
वार्षिक उद्योग पाहणी २०२२-२३
वार्षिक उद्योग पाहणी २०२३-२४
योजना प्रणाली
राज्य माहिती संचयिका
महाराष्ट्राची आर्थिक पाहणी २०२३-२४
शाश्वत विकास ध्येये
शाश्वत विकास ध्येयांशी योजनांची सांगड अहवाल 2021
शाश्वत विकास ध्येये जिल्हा निर्देशक आराखडा
शाश्वत विकास ध्येये राज्य निर्देशक आराखडा
पदभरती २०२३
District Strategic Plan
DES Manual
* : आवश्यक बाबी
मागणी दिनांक:06-02-2025
संपर्क दूरध्वनी
अहवालाचे नाव
A Report Based on Annual Survey of Industries, 2006-07 & 2007-08
A Report Based on Annual Survey of Industries, 2008-09 & 2009-10
A Report Based on Annual Survey of Industries, 2010-11
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
A Report on Economic and Purpose Classification of the State Government Budget
Adhoc Report - Assessment of Production of Minor Crops produced by Rural Farmers
Adhoc Survey - to study of reasons for fallow of agriculture land in the state
Adhoc Survey – ‘Quick survey on situation Assessment of Anganwadi’
An Analysis of State Government Budget of Maharashtra
An Analysis of State Government Budget of Maharashtra
An Analysis of State Government Budget of Maharashtra
An Analysis of State Government Budget of Maharashtra
An Analysis of State Government Budget of Maharashtra
An Analysis of State Government Budget of Maharashtra
An Analysis of State Government Budget of Maharashtra
An Analysis of State Government Budget of Maharashtra
An Analysis of State government Budget of Maharshtra 2021-22,2022-23 (RE), 2023-24 (BE)
An Extended Programme of Jeeven Shikshan magazine
Annual Survey of Industries 2019-20
Annual Survey of Industries 2020-21
Annual Survey of Industries, 2011 - 12
Annual Survey of Industries, 2012 - 13
Annual Survey of Industries, 2017 - 18
Annual Survey of Industries, 2018 - 19
Backward Region Grant Fund
Bharat Ratna Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Swadhar Yojana
Bharatratna Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Bore Wells Scheme
Capital Employed, Input, Output and GVA at Industry, 1999-2000
Capital Employed, Input, Output and GVA at Industry, 2000-01
Capital Employed, Input, Output and GVA at Industry, 2001-02
Capital Employed, Input, Output and GVA at Industry, 2002-03
Capital Employed, Input, Output and GVA at Industry, 2003-04
Capital Employed, Input, Output and GVA at Industry, 2004-05
Capital Investment in Gaothan Feeder Separation Scheme and Infrastructure plan- I
Centrally sponsored Micro Irrigation Scheme
Child and maternity care
Common Property Resources
Community Television Sets Scheme
Concession in energy tariff to Agriculture pump holders and Power loom holders
Concurrent Evaluation study of the Integrated Rural Development Programme
Construction of 5 Lakh latrines Scheme
Construction of New Government Godowns, Reconstruction and Rennovation of existing Government Godowns
Construction of Shet tale under Rashtriya Krushi Vikas Yojana
Dalit Vasti survey
Debt and Investment (State sample)
Development of Scheduled Caste and Neo-Buddhist Wastis (Dalit Vasti Sudhar Yojana)
Development of women and children in rural areas
Directory of Enterprises having more than 10 employees in Rural area from Economic Census - 2005
Directory of Enterprises having more than 10 employees in Urban area from Economic Census - 2005
Disabled Persons
Distribution of land to landless below poverty line tribals Swabhiman and Sablikaran Scheme
District Domestic Product of Maharashtra
District Domestic Product of Maharashtra
District Domestic Product of Maharashtra
District Domestic Product of Maharashtra
District Domestic Product of Maharashtra
District Domestic Product of Maharashtra
District Domestic Product of Maharashtra 1993-94 to 1998-99
District Domestic Product of Maharashtra 1999-2000 to 2003-04
District Domestic Product of Maharashtra 2004-2005 to 2013-14
District Domestic Product of Maharashtra 2011-12 to 2019-20
District Domestic Product of Maharashtra 2011-2012 to 2022-23
Domestic Tourism Expenditure (Pooled data of Central and State Sample)
Domestic Tourism Expenditure (State sample)
Domestic Tourism, Vol. I & II
Dr. Zakir Hussain Madarsa Modernisation Yojana
Drinking Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing Condition
Drinking Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing Condition (Pooled data of Central and State Sample)
Drinking water, sanitation, hygiene and housing condition
Economic & Purpose Classification Reports of Local Bodies Accounts
Economic & Purpose Classification Reports of Local Bodies Accounts
Economic & Purpose Classification Reports of Local Bodies Accounts
Economic & Purpose Classification Reports of Local Bodies Accounts
Economic & Purpose Classification Reports of Local Bodies Accounts in Maharashtra 2019-20 & 2020-21
Economic Census - 2005 Final Reports
Economic Census - 2005 Provisional Reports
Economic and Purpose Classification Report of State Govt. Budget
Electrification of wells belonging of SC/New Buddhist families
Employees Master Database
Employees Master Database
Employees Master Database
Employees Master Database
Employees Master Database
Employees Master Database
Employees Master Database
Employees Master Database
Employees Master Database
Employment & Emoluments at Industry, 1999-2000
Employment & Emoluments at Industry, 2000-01
Employment & Emoluments at Industry, 2001-02
Employment & Emoluments at Industry, 2002-03
Employment & Emoluments at Industry, 2003-04
Employment & Emoluments at Industry, 2004-05
Employment & Unemployment
Employment & Unemployment Situation
Employment & Unemployment Situation, Vol. I
Employment & Unemployment, Vol. I & II
Employment and Unemployment Situation, Vol. I & II
Employment and Unemployment Situation, Vol. I & II
Employment and unemployment
Employment status of the trainees passed through the Industrial Training Institutes ITIs
Entrepreneurship Development training programme for general category educated unemployed (EDTP)
Estimates of Gross Fixed Capital Formation
Estimates of Gross Fixed Capital Formation
Estimates of Gross Fixed Capital Formation
Estimates of Gross Fixed Capital Formation
Estimates of Gross Fixed Capital Formation
Estimates of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (Public Sector) Maharashtra 2011-12 to 2020-21
Evaluation Study Dehu-Alandi, Mount Bhandara and Palkhital Kshetra Development Special Action Programme
Evaluation Study Of The Hilly Area Development Programme 2002-03
Ex-Armed forces personnel
Final report on Collection of Farm Activities Data and other related studies (2018-19) Volume- II
Final report on Collection of Farm Activities Data and other related studies (2018-19) Volume- III
Final report on Collection of Farm Activities Data and other related studies (2018-19)
Final report on Collection of Farm Activities Data and other related studies (2018-19) Volume- I
Final report on Collection of Farm Activities Data and other related studies (2018-19)
Final report on Collection of Farm Activities Data and other related studies (2018-19) Volume- I
Final report on Collection of Farm Activities Data and other related studies (2018-19) Volume- II
Final report on Collection of Farm Activities Data and other related studies (2018-19) Volume- III
Financial Assistance to Backward Classes for Replacing Thatch Roofs by Mangalore tiles, GI sheets
Financial Assistance to the Tribal Farmers to bring them above Poverty line
Financial assistance to apexregionalprimary weavers co-operative societies for construction of workshops
Financial assistance to scheduled castes and neo-buddhists to bring them above poverty line
Fish seeds Production Programme
Four Schemes implemented by Sports and Youth Welfare department
Fourth Economic Census - 1998 : Selected Tables
Free education to girl-students upto 12th std
Government Support for Privatization Scheme
Grant-in Aid to Backward class Hostel
Grant-in-Aid for providing Basic Infrastructure to schools for Minorities Scheme
Grants-in-aid for voluntary agencies running Ashram schools in Maharashtra
Hilly Area Development Programme
Household Consumer Expenditure
Household Consumer Expenditure
Household Consumer Expenditure
Household Consumer Expenditure (Pooled data of Central and State Sample)
Household Consumer Expenditure and Employment & Unemployment Situation (Pooled data of Central and State Sample)
Household Consumer Expenditure, Vol. I
Household Consumer Expenditure, Vol. I & II
Household Consumer Expenditure, Vol. I & II
Household Social Consumption: Education
Household Social Consumption: Education (Pooled data of Central and State Sample)
Household Social Consumption: Health
Household Social Consumption: Health (Pooled data of Central and State sample)
Household consumer expenditure
Household consumer expenditure
Household consumer expenditure
Household consumer expenditure
Household consumer expenditure
Household consumer expenditure
Household consumer expenditure, Vol. I & II
Housing Condition
Housing Condition, Vol. I & II
Impact of Covid-19 on health, education and livelihood of people in the state
Implementation remedies for prevention of Farmers Suicide (Baliraja Chetna Abhiyan)
Indepth Study of the Member of Parliament Local Area Development MPLAD Scheme
Informal non-agricultural enterprises
Innovative Schemes
Integrated Rural Development Programme
Integrated Watershed Management Programme
Jeevandhara-Jawahar wells scheme
Land and Livestock Holdings
Marathi Vidnyan Parishad Magazine
Migration Particulars
Mission for Integrated development of Horticulture
Morbidity & utilisation of medical services
Morbidity and health care, Vol. I (Pooled data of Central and State Sample)
Morbidity, health care and the condition of the aged, Vol. I & II
National Programme of improved chulas
National Rural Health Mission
National bio gas plant installation programme
Nehru Rojgar Yojana
New Series on State Domestic Product of Maharashtra 2011-12 to 2021-22
New Series on State Domestic Product of Maharashtra 2004-05 to 2013-14
New Series on State Domestic Product of Maharashtra 2004-05 to 2013-14
New Series on State Domestic Product of Maharashtra 2011-12 to 2019-20
New Series on State Domestic Product of Maharashtra 2011-12 to 2019-20
New Series on State Domestic Product of Maharashtra 2011-12 to 2020-21
New Series on State Domestic Product of Maharashtra 2011-12 to 2022-23
New series on State Domestic Product of Maharashtra - BY 1993-94
Nutrition Intake
Nutrition to adolescent girls under Sabla Scheme (State), (Kishori Shakti Yojana)
Opening and maintenance of government hostels for SC boys and girls
Operation Blackboard Scheme
Own account trading enterprises & non-directory trading establishments
Participation & Expenditure on Education Vol-I
Participation & Expenditure on Education Vol-II
Participation in Education
Particulars of Slum
Particulars of construction in Maharashtra state
Particulars of slums
Particulars of slums
Particulars of slums, Vol. I
Percolation tanks under Employment Guarantee Scheme
Plantation on public non-forest community land in identified watersheds (Non-Tribal)
Population Census 2001 - Maharashtra Tables
Population Census 2011 (District/ Talukawise)
Post-S.S.C. scholarships to backward class students
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)
Provide Basic infrastructure in Urban Minority Area
Rajashree Shahu Maharaj Scheme
Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee Arogya Yojna
Rashtriya Krushi Vikas Yojana
Report on Basic Statistics for Local Level Development (Rural)-11-08-2015
Report on Pooling of Central and State Sample data
Report on the New Series of State Income of Maharashtra 1999 - 2000 to 2006-07
Report on the New Series of State Income of Maharashtra 1999 - 2000 to 2006-07
Report on the New Series of State Income of Maharashtra 1999 - 2000 to 2006-07
Report on the new series of State income of Maharashtra
Rural piped water supply scheme
Sanjay Gandhi Swavlamban Yojana
Scheme of impact on Anganwadi Training Centre and Intermediate Training Centre
Scholarship scheme for minority students who are taking education in higher professional and in all the curriculum after 12th std.
Service Sector (Excluding Trade)
Shabari Adivasi Gharkul Yojana
Shivkalin Water Storage Scheme
Shubhmangal Samuhik Vivah Yojana
Situation assessment survey of agricultural households
Sixth Economic Census 2013 – Final Report
Sixth Economic Census 2013 – Provisional Results.
Slum Area Development Program
Social Consumption: Education (Pooled data of Central and State Sample)
Social Consumption: Education in Maharashtra
Social Consumption: Health (Pooled data of Central and State sample)
Social Consumption: Health in Maharashtra
Sprinkler and drip irrigation scheme
State Domestic Product of Maharashtra 1993-94 to 2001-02
State Domestic Product of Maharashtra 1993-94 to 2001-02
State Income of Maharashtra Disaggregated and Derived Tables -
State Income of Maharashtra Disaggregated and Derived Tables -
Supply of 8 to 10 weeks old chicks pullets to tribals
Supply of Dry-Pregnant Buffaloes
Survey of Persons With Disabilities
Survey of Persons With Disabilities (Pooled data of Central and State Sample)
Take Home Ration
Tejaswini Maharashtra Rural Women Empowerment Programme
Training and visit scheme
UnIncorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises(Excluding Constructions)
Unincorporated Non-agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) (Pooled data of Central and State Sample)
Unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction)
Unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) (Pooled data of Central and State Sample)
Unorganised Manufacturing Enterprises, Vol. I
Unorganised Manufacturing Sector, Vol. I & II
Unorganised Service Sector, Vol. I
Utilisation of family planning services
Utilisation of public distribution system
Village Amenities
Wardha district plan based on Mahatma Gandhian principles
Well equipped Ambulance - Emergency Medical Service - EMS
Yearwise Factory Statistics
“Drinking Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing Condition” And “Particulars of Slums” (Pooled data of Central and State Sample)
अहवाल पासुन
(दिनांक/महिना/वर्ष )
अहवाल पर्यंत
(दिनांक/महिना/वर्ष )
मागणी नोंदणी